Why are my e-mails being rejected when sending to an amfes.com address?

A: Probably because your e-mail configuration isn’t in full compliance with Internet standards. AMFES utilizes the Postfix SMTP server combined with the ASSP SMTP proxy on a Debian/Ubuntu Linux machine to process all our mail (just a plug for some software we think very highly of). Part of our anti-spam implementation is a requirement that all clients have properly configured DNS and SMTP servers. If you need help - please call us and we will be happy to assist you. Note: you don’t need to have a “special” configuration just to connect to amfes.com - you just need to be configured in accordance with Internet standards. The fact that an awful lot of servers are broken out there is no reason to let ours (or yours!) be broken as well.

Last updated: Sat 24 September 2022